In the just about 2 years that I have been here at St. Vincent De Paul, I have come to know our parish as a warm, welcoming community of faith that has a deep love for our Lord & the Mass. One of those people who has helped to make that love possible has been our Sacristan & all around Jack-of-all-Trades, Tommy Borawski. Tommy has been, both a personal friend of mine & a dedicated member of this parish family for many years & I know that we all appreciate all that he has done for us & among us. Please see the following note from him & while I am sad that he is moving on, we also wish him the best in any & every future endeavor.
It is amazing how time flies when you are having fun! Now, we are in Holy Week, the most sacred time of the entire Church year. It is the time when we recall our Lord's Paschal Mystery, the celebration of our His Passion, Death, and Resurrection. On Palm Sunday, we raise our palm branches high, shouting "Hosanna!" and proclaiming the King has come! On Holy Thursday, we recall the day in which Christ institutes the Holy Eucharist and the priesthood. On Good Friday, we remember the day in which Our Lord gave of himself, nailed to a tree, and died so that we may live. On Holy Saturday, all is quiet. Our Lord is in tomb. But something exciting is brewing, We find on the next day, Easter Sunday, that our Lord has truly risen from the dead. Easter springs forth new life. We see flowers beginning to bloom, the grass beginning to grow. A fresh start! After Easter Sunday, I will be doing that, getting a fresh start. I'm sad to announce that, after many years of service to the parish community in many capacities, I will be leaving the parish community of St. Vincent de Paul. Deep down in my heart, I truly love this parish as its been a great part of my life. But the time has come to move on. I will forever hold the parish community in my thoughts and prayers as I continue on my journey. I wish you all God's abundant blessings upon yourselves and your families! ~Tommy