Merry Christmas! On behalf of myself & our entire parish staff please know of our prayers during this holy time of year! A special welcome too to anyone who might be visiting us on these holy days as well as all those who are returning home to celebrate. We are glad that you are here!
As we celebrate this holy day, we are reminded that our God is with us. Our God came right there, into the messiness of our lives to be with us & to walk with us. On this Christmas Eve/ Day we don’t just remember an event of history, we also celebrate the presence of God with us always. The Creator of the universe humbled himself & took on human flesh. God didn’t & God doesn’t just stay up in the heavens distant from us, cheering us on, supporting us from afar. He comes right there, into the messiness, the struggles, the challenges of our lives.
Maybe that’s why we can best sing “O come, let us adore Him” & “Joy to the world,” because God IS with us. This time of year is filled with a lot of great noise & activity, but I’d encourage us all to take some time away from all the noise. Take some time away from all the activity & just be. Just be with God, be in the silence, allow God to help you to see where & how He is with you. Our God didn’t just come to us, he comes to us, in Bethlehem & here today! We don’t celebrate that God WAS with us, we rejoice today because God IS with us!