This is somewhat of a shorter column as this past Tuesday (the day bulletin articles are due) I returned from a very restful and relaxing week away. I didn’t really do anything fancy while I was work was done, including writing bulletin columns ahead of time. I just spent some time relaxing, reading (you may remember the homily I gave about my challenge to read 50 books this year...I made some decent progress towards that goal), and just being. Let me tell you, the time was exactly what I needed and exactly when I needed it! I come back renewed, refreshed, and ready to go as we enter into these last few weeks before Lent.
This weekend, throughout the Diocese, we’re holding our annual Catholic Charities appeal weekend. By now you are likely very familiar with this appeal and hopefully know the great work that is able to be done because of the generosity of so many. Many have likely already gotten a letter from Bishop Malesic and have contributed that way. These continue to be tough times for so many and so whatever way you choose to contribute and however much you are able to offer, thank you for your generosity. Thank you for being the light to those experiencing dark moments in life!
I’ll be getting back into the swing of things this week and by the time Ash Wednesday rolls around we’ll be back at full speed again.