In our second reading today, St. Paul writes to the people of Corinth, “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” (1 Cor. 12:7). The Spirit is given, not to some, not to a few, not to a majority, but to each and every individual for the benefit, not just of the individual themselves, but for the benefit of all. The manifestation of the Spirit is not the same in each individual and our call, our challenge, is to put that manifestation to use.
How we might do that has been a topic of discussion at our recent Parish Pastoral Council meetings. As we continue to work towards our Vision 2023, our discussion has been how we might encourage more and more members of our parish family to consider how they might take a more or a deeper active role in the life and ministry of the parish. We might wonder why we don’t have “x” or why the parish doesn’t do “why.” We likely have our hopes and dreams for what we’d like to see the parish do and be. I do as well, but in order to make those dreams, that life, a reality, each of us is called to offer the ways that the spirit is manifested in us. There are things and events that I’d like to see happen, but sometimes, with responsibilities and demands on my time and energy between both parishes I don’t always have the time or energy necessary to make them happen. They are good things, from Funerals & Marriage Preparation sessions, to Masses & preparing homilies. They are the administrative side of things, from the paperwork, to meetings, to diocesan meetings & obligations. I won’t complain about any of it, I enjoy being a priest and I enjoy being here, and I am excited to journey with you in helping our parish grow.
There are many needs out there...from counters, to greeters, to Lectors, to Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, gardeners, people to help decorate, members of our Parish Pastoral & Finance Council, just to name a few. With the pandemic, we’ve had to put our Parish Picnic on hold for a few summers. That is an event that hopefully we’ll be able to get up and going again soon, but in order for it to happen, we could use a group of people to help plan, prepare, and organize. We are discussing some ways to help make the various needs that are out there known, from bulletin articles to speakers at Mass to personal invitations. Please don’t hesitate, either, to ask where you could be of help. I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to find a way.
I would invite you to read/listen to these calls and consider how and where you might be able to help make the Spirit manifest in the gifts and talents that you have. How might you be able to help answer the call? No one is able to do everything and not every ministry or call may be able to be filled by everyone, but to each individual the manifestation of the Spirit has been given for some benefit. What is the manifestation that God has given you?