All-too-often we are confronted in our country, but also in our world, with terrible acts of hatred and violence. In recent weeks that list has grown to include places like Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas. When tragedy and violence strike, one of our natural reactions is to offer our thoughts and prayers to those whose lives have been impacted. Certainly, as people of faith, that is what we’re called to do, bringing before our God the needs of people throughout our world. We must keep praying!
But, at the same time, praying is not enough. That’s certainly not to say that we should stop praying, NO, pray, pray, pray! But our prayer must also lead us to action. For, as much as I see or hear comments about people offering thoughts and prayers when tragedy strikes, I also see or hear comments saying, “enough with thoughts and prayers.” I think that this sentiment arises from the reality that for some people, offering thoughts and prayers has become simply a way to make them feel better. Tragedy strikes, thoughts and prayers are offered, that act of violence moves to the back burner, and the cycle repeats over and over.
That’s not what our prayer should be, our prayer should lead us to action! Yes, our action, whatever it might be, may not be able to prevent every horrific act of violence occurring, but our prayer must lead us to some sort of action. In the midst of these acts of violence, we certainly should be praying for peace, consolation, and hope, especially for those who have been directly affected, but we should also be praying that God move us to action, and not the action that we want to take, but the action that God wants us to take. Maybe that action might be allowing God to call us to confront an attitude or bias that lies within our hearts. Maybe that action might be reaching out and taking steps of reconciliation or forgiveness towards those who we’ve hurt or who we’ve been hurt by. Maybe that action might be advocating for some other type of change in our society. I don’t know what the action is, and it won’t always be the same, but as we offer our thoughts and prayers, let’s not simply stop there, but let’s pray that God might truly move us to be a people of action, HIS action!
Have a Blessed Week and a Happy Father’s Day to all our Fathers! I’ll be stopping by my dad’s grave to visit him today. Happy heavenly Father’s Day to you, dad!