“Help Wanted!” The other day I met a friend for dinner and as we walked into the restaurant, there was a table with a basket of applications. Next to the basket was a sign that bore the message, “Apply today, start tomorrow.” That restaurant is not alone in their search for workers, as these days there are a number of businesses looking for help. So many places are searching for people who are looking for work. But, could the Church be considered one of those places? Are we looking for help?” I think that the answer to both of those questions is yes. As we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord this weekend, I think that we could very easily have some “Help Wanted” signs up on our doors.
But what kind of help do we need? While, we are not looking for new staff members, but we are looking for help in filling some other very important roles in the life of our parish family. We’re looking for people who have a love for our parish and who have a desire to help make it the best that it can be. We are blessed with a number of people who fill so many needed roles around the parish, but, no matter how many we have, we will always be looking for more.
So what might you be able to do to help? Well, maybe we’re the type of person who loves making others feel welcome. Or maybe we’re great at organizing, planning, and preparing. Maybe we love reaching out to people or maybe we’re good at analyzing things or looking ahead and visioning for the future. Maybe we have the time to pray for all those in need or maybe we’re a more active person who likes getting things done. Maybe it’s one of those or maybe it’s something else, but the key is that every single one of us has something, some strength, some gift, some talent, that could be used to help meet a need.
In the upcoming weeks, I hope to, in some way, be able to share with you some of the various “Help Wanted” signs that can be found around the parish. Whether it be by helping on one of our councils or helping as a collection counter, serving in one of our liturgical ministries or helping to greet people at Mass, or maybe helping to plan and prepare for events around the parish, there is something to be done. Whatever our gift is, there’s some way that we can offer it here around the parish. “Help Wanted!” Always!