Eucharistic Ministry: A vital ministry to our parish, parishioners assist the Priest and Deacon in the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful. Training is required and provided by the Diocese of Cleveland, usually in the Spring and Fall.
Altar Server Ministry: There is no joy greater than serving at the Table of the Lord. You would be assisting the Priest and Deacon during Mass and Devotions. Open to all parishioners, adults and children. For children, you must be in at least 5th grade and have made your first communion. For adults, you must have made your first communion. Training is provided by the parish.
Music Ministry: St. Augustine once said, "When you sing, you pray twice." Music Ministry is an essential part of the celebration of Sunday Mass. Leading the people (cantoring) in the singing of praises to almighty God is key. If you believe that you can assist in leading the people in song, then you are called to become a cantor. For more information, please see Mr. Caleb Tate after the Sunday 9 AM Mass or after the Saturday 5 PM Mass. Learn more about our Music Ministry Program by clicking here.
Lector Ministry: Lectors assist at Mass by proclaiming the Readings and Intercessions at Mass. Training is provided.
Ushers: Ushers assist at Mass by greeting people at the doors, finding parishioners to bring up the gifts at the Offertory, assist with the collection, and distribute the bulletins at the end of Mass. To volunteer for this position, you must be at least 18 years of age. Please see an usher at Mass to volunteer.
Arts and Environment Committee: This committee is responsible for the decorating of our wonderful Church and vestibules for the various liturgical seasons. For more info, please contact Deacon Ken or Mrs. Sandy Hill.
Social Committee: This committee is reponsible for the organization of events and actvities occuring within the Parish Community. Events include, but not limited to: Fellowship Weekends, Craft Fair, and the Annual Animal Blessing. For more information or to join, please contact the Parish Office.
Gardening Committee: This committee for maintaining the overall landscape of the Parish Grounds. This includes planting flowers and soil, raking, trimming the hedges, and more. For more info, please contact the Parish Office.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: The group, run by a dedicated group of parishioners, assists in helping the poor and less fortunate in our local community. For more information or to join this group, please contact the Parish Office and you will be directed to the appropriate person in charge.