This choir will sing one Sunday and one Saturday Mass each month, as well as all major feast days in the Liturgical Year. The Adult Choir specializes in traditional liturgical music and welcomes singers, ages high school through adult.
This choir consists of parish adults who would like to volunteer their time to sing at funerals. There are no official practices for this choir but phone calls should be made to singers in advance.
The cantors serve as leaders of the responsorial psalm, the gospel acclamation, and any other music that requires a leading voice. A cantor must possess a clear and accurate voice and a positive appearance. A cantor is much like a lector only the cantor ministers the sung word of God.
Anyone who plays a musical instrument competently is invited to share their talents with the parish community. The Parish Music Director would be interested to meet and talk with you about your talent and where it can best be utilized.
The Celebration Chorus comprises of music talent from all groups and additional volunteers. This ministry also features a small orchestra. This group provides music for all major liturgies, namely Christmas, Easter, and the St. Vincent de Paul Parish Feast Day.
For more information regarding anything of the Music Ministry Program, please contact our Music Director, Mr. Caleb Tate.