As we continue along our Advent journey, I’d like to begin a new tradition on the 3rd Sunday of Advent (next weekend), an annual Bambinelli Blessing.The Bambinelli Blessing isn’t a tradition that I came up with, but rather a tradition at the Vatican that began with Pope St. John Paul II & has continued through Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.
What is a Bambinelli Blessing you might be wondering? It’s a blessing of the images of the infant Jesus that we display In our Nativity scenes. The custom of Nativity scenes owes its origins to St. Francis of Assisi around the year 1223 as a way to remind us visibly of the humble birth of Christ. Many of us have, or will, put a Nativity scene up in our homes and soon we’ll have one here in church.
At the Vatican, children from Rome are invited along with their families to bring the figure of the Child Jesus from their Nativity scenes to be blessed. This tradition has expanded to many parishes throughout the world, and starting with next weekend’s (12/10 & 11) celebration of the 3rd Sunday of Advent, we’ll begin it here. All you need to do is bring the image of the Child Jesus that you have for your home Nativity scene and keep it with you in the pew. At the conclusion of Mass you’ll be invited to hold the image in your hand if you’re able as the Presider prays a special prayer of blessing over them. Know too that your image of the Child Jesus can be blessed over & over as a reminder to us of what we’re preparing to celebrate, so when the 3rd Sunday of Advent rolls around next year please bring Jesus back.
We hope that you will participate in this new tradition here at the parish as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior!