This weekend, I wanted to put into writing two updates that have been shared verbally at Mass over the past few weeks. For some, one or both of these updates you may have heard already, but for others this may be “breaking news.” Either way, I wanted to put both of them in writing so that everyone heard (or read) the same message.
First, Fr. Clyde will officially retire as of November 4th, 2024. We certainly thank him for all of his assistance over the past years at both parishes. We will have an opportunity to thank Fr. Clyde for his ministry and bid him farewell the last 2 weekends of October, one weekend at each parish. At St. Patrick’s that will be the weekend of October 19th and 20th and at St. Vincent de Paul that will be the weekend of October 26th and 27th. The exact details and timing of each parish’s gathering are being planned and worked out and we will get more specifics to you as they are figured out and decided.
Second, as of September 1st, 2024, Fr. Robert Tumwekwase, a member of the Apostles of Jesus, an African-based missionary religious order will be joining us. While I have received his official appointment letter, at least as of the writing of this column, I have not had the opportunity yet to talk with Fr. Tumwekwase to share more about him. I do know that he has been in the United States for a number of years and is coming to us from a parish in Bangor, Maine. While he will have an office here, the exact location of which is still to be determined, the members of the Apostles of Jesus live in community, so Fr. Tumwekwase will live with other members of his order at a nearby Community house. Fr. Tumwekwase will be a blessing to our community and I am excited to meet him and have him begin his ministry here at St. Patrick’s and at St. Vincent de Paul. Please keep Fr.Tumwekwase in your prayers as he begins this time of transition.
With Fr.Tumwekwase’s arrival overlapping Fr.Clyde’s retirement, that means that in September and October we will have 3 priests assigned to us. I will be using part of that time to take a few days of retreat, spending some time in quiet with the Lord listening to His call as we move into this new phase of parish life. I’ve also made a few adjustments to the revised Mass schedule plan. The revised schedule will still be set up in a way that would allow 1 person to celebrate all the Masses, is need be, but some of the times have been adjusted with the knowledge that we will have consistent help. Please join us in the church at St. Vincent de Paul on Monday, July 29th at 6:30 pm where we will share the revised Mass schedule and the rationale behind it.