Hi there everyone! Last weekend, on Good Shepherd Sunday, I shared with you my vocation story, how I heard the voice of the Good Shepherd in God calling me to the Priesthood. The Good Shepherd’s voice is a voice that we are all called to hear & as we enter into this new month of May, I’d invite us to pray in a special way for those who have heard God’s call as I did.
May is the month of Mary & we’ll crown our Blessed Mother at each parish at our Sunday Mass. May is also the month where many Diocese’s, including our own, celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Orders. This weekend on Saturday, May 6th, 6 men were ordained to the Permanent Diaconate. On Saturday, May 20th, 6 men will be ordained as Priests for our Diocese. Please, please, pray for these 12 men as they answer the call of the Good Shepherd & lay down their lives for Him. We need good & holy Deacons & Priests for our Diocese, so please pray that they may be those good & holy servants that we need.
Please continue to pray for me as I do my best to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd in pastoring both parishes to the best of my ability. It isn’t always easy, but each day is filled with so many joys & blessings. This coming week, on May 12th, I’ll celebrate 16 years as a Priest. Boy, has time flown! The path of these 16 years has been a path filled with many unexpected twists & turns, many challenges, many struggles, & also many joys & blessings. Please know that even in the most stressful & challenging days, I love being here, I love being your priest. Please pray for God’s strength, grace, & wisdom to continue to fill me as I journey into this new year of Priesthood.