Next weekend, we will welcome Fr. Kishore Bathula, who will be joining us for our annual Mission Appeal. Since we will be doing the appeal on the same weekend at both St. Patrick’s & at St. Vincent de Paul, Fr. Kishore will share with us at the beginning of the 4:30 pm Mass @ St. Patrick’s and then during the normal homily time at the 5:00 pm Mass @ St. Vincent de Paul. On Sunday, Fr. Kishore will preside and preach at both Masses. He will share much more with us when he is here, but so that we had an idea of who was coming, he did provide me with an introduction of sorts to share with everyone ahead of time. Fr. Kishore, who is from the Diocese of Kurnool in India, currently serves as Pastor of Sacred Heart of Mary Church in Rocksprings, Texas. The Diocese of Kurnool is a mission Diocese in the southern part of India. The primary work in the Diocese consists of education, sanitation programs, sheltering orphans, self-empowerment for the poor, formation of seminarians, and providing motorbikes to the priests to help them get around to the various missions. I am just going to list them for now, as I’m sure when Father Kishore is here he will share many more details about the work that is being done in the Diocese.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity for the work of our parish and the work of the missions.
I will be away on Retreat during this upcoming week. Please know that you will be in my prayers and I ask for your prayers as well! Have a blessed week!