This weekend, I’d like to extend an invitation to each and every member of our parish family. That invitation is this, to consider how we might be able to help us continue the mission of the Kingdom of God here at St. Vincent de Paul.
Our ministries do great work, from helping us to worship well, to helping with our social events, to strengthening our outreach to the wider community, to helping with our gardening (just to name a few). I hesitate to start naming specific ministries for a few reasons. First, it’s hard to focus on one without also naming the others and second because not every ministry is for every single person. But while every ministry may not also be for every person, every person has something, some gift, some talent, to be offered. What we can do certainly changes over time, but no matter what our gifts & talents or our abilities might be, there’s possibilities for everyone to offer something, so please consider how you can be a part of the mission of God here in our parish. And if there’s a ministry that you don’t see that you think would be good, please don’t hesitate to ask the question of yourself, “How might I be able to help make that happen?”
While I extend the invitation, I want to certainly also extend a thank you to all who are currently involved in a ministry of any type. And thank you to each and every one of you for considering the invita- tion to ministry here at St. Vincent de Paul. I certainly do appreciate each and every person who calls this parish home! Have a blessed week!