During this time of the pandemic, the Bishops of the State of Ohio have granted a dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. We received word Thursday of last week that the dispensation will no longer be in effect beginning on the weekend of June 5th/6th. As has always been the case, those who are ill, who have significant health risk factors, who care for someone who is immune-compromised or ill, as well as those who have a significant fear/ anxiety of contracting the coronavirus in a large group of people are exempt.
You might ask what this will mean for us as far as some of the protocols that we have been following during this time including the wearing of masks, the social distancing, etc. The best answer that I can give right now is that, at the time of writing this article, I don’t exactly know. I have heard that the Diocese is working on new and updated guidelines and practices that will be released to Pastors when they are complete. My guess is that I will have likely received sometime this past week. Once they are received and I have time to look them over I’ll be able to give further updates and guidance, but, for the time being, nothing is changing regarding our protocols. I will keep you updated as I know and learn more.
Last weekend the Ascension reminded us that it is now our mission to build up the Kingdom of God in our parish, our community, and our world. I challenged each of us to look for the ways that we might be able to put our gifts and talents to use here around the parish. Some may have said,” Yes, I’d like to do that, but how? Where is the help needed?” So, over time I plan to share some of those opportunities with you in this column. Every so often I hope to highlight a group, a ministry, a need here around the parish that could use some help. Look here for some ways that you might be able to help our parish grow and flourish!