I know that many will read this a few days before the actual day, but allow me to say to each & every one of you, MERRY CHRISTMAS! On behalf of myself and the staffs of both St. Vincent de Paul & St. Patrick’s Parishes, please know of our heartfelt prayers for a very blessed and Merry Christmas! We welcome in a special way all those who are visiting us for these great celebrations! Those in town to visit family & friends and those who may have moved away and return home to celebrate the great feast of Christmas. Please know how glad we are that you are here & how welcome you are in our community, not just on Christmas, but each and every Sunday! We hope to see you again soon!
The celebration of the Christmas season, with all its great smells, sounds, & traditions helps draw our minds & hearts to the great reality of Emmanuel, God with us! Our God didn’t just stay a safe distance away from us up there in the heavens, He came down to earth, incarnate in the flesh, to walk with us and among us. Through Jesus, the baby born in the manger, the mercy, love, and compassion of our God became very real. As we celebrate this great event of the incarnation, may we always strive to be a people who make God’s presence known, not just at Christmas, but each and every day!
Finally, as your Pastor, please know how much I treasure the gift that you are to our Parish Communities. The gift you are personally and the gifts of your time, talent, and treasure that you offer to help our parishes to be beacons of Emmanuel, God with us! Please be assured of my prayers for you & I kindly ask you to keep me in yours!
Once again, a Blessed & Merry Christmas to you all! May the peace & joy of this season be known in a very real way!
Fr. John Pfeifer
Fr. Robert Clancy
Deacon Ken Hill
and the entire Parish Staff