“This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on & on my friends.” For a while, that may have been what it seemed like regarding the pandemic that we found ourselves in the midst of, that this would never end. But hopefully it is & hopefully we are coming out of this.
Beginning on June 2nd, our celebration of the Liturgy will, in many ways, begin to look like what we’ve been used to. Here is what you can expect BEGINNING ON JUNE 2ND:
Facemasks will NO LONGER be required, but they continue to be strongly suggested for those who have not yet been vaccinated or who are otherwise vulnerable.
The signs that have been on the doors of the Church/Parish Office requiring the use of facemasks will be removed & new signs suggesting facemasks for those who meet the above criteria are to be put in their place.
Social distancing/the blocking off of every other pew will no longer be required.
The Holy Water fonts will be filled again & will be cleaned regularly.
We will once again be processioning to begin & end Mass. The Offertory Procession with parishioners bringing up the bread & wine will also begin to take place again.
The Ushers will return to taking up the collection in the normal way during the Offertory of Mass. The baskets will no longer be at the doors of the Church.
We are looking at returning to using our Liturgical Ministers (EMHC’s, Lectors, Servers). Currently we are reaching out to those who are currently a part of these ministries, but we could use your help as well. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a part of any of these ministries, please let us know.
The distribution of the Precious Blood at Mass will remain suspended for the time being.
We are able to return the hymnals & other books to the pews so we will again be able to sing together at Mass. The current missalette with the readings in it goes through the weekend of June 5th & 6th. Rather than having volunteers put those out for only 1 weekend, you can look for the song books to return the weekend of June 5th/6th & the missalette with the readings to return as well the weekend of June 12th/13th.
The cleaning of the Church will continue to take place on a regular basis, but not necessarily after every Mass.
Thanks for your patience, support, & understanding. Have a Blessed Week!