Merry Christmas! Though many in our culture may have moved on from Christmas already. Though, in many cases the Christmas music may be off the airwaves. Though some may have already begun the process of taking down the tree and other Christmas decorations, for us Christ-mas has just begun! And so maybe we might con-sider leaving those decorations up for just a bit more, continuing to listen to those wonderful Christmas songs, and wishing everyone a, “Merry Christmas!”
Dear Parish Families, I know that many will read this a few days before the actual day, but allow me to say to each & every one of you, MERRY CHRISTMAS! On behalf of myself and the staffs of both St. Vincent de Paul & St. Patrick’s Parishes, please know of our heartfelt prayers for a very blessed and Merry Christmas! We welcome in a special way all those who are visiting us for these great celebrations! Those in town to visit family & friends and those who may have moved away and return home to celebrate the great feast of Christmas. Please know how glad we are that you are here & how welcome you are in our community, not just on Christmas, but each and every Sunday! We hope to see you again soon!
Dear Parish Families, where do we find joy? Today, on this 3rd Sunday of Advent, a day traditionally called Gaudete Sunday, we light the rose colored candle of our Advent wreath, and we are called to rejoice that the Lord is near. The word Gaudete is not an invitation, it’s a command, it’s who we are called to be, people of joy, rejoicing because the Lord is in our midst.
The following is a special announcement from our Pastor, Fr. John Pfeifer. For the remainder of the month of December, Fr. Clancy will be reducing his Mass schedule & will also be off from the parish from 12/29 through the end of January. Please keep him in your prayers & I ask for your prayers as well as I attempt to balance the life & schedules of both parish families. I ask for your patience as well as there may be some adjustments to schedules & parish life that may need to happen in this time. Thank you!
Help is needed to decorate our wonderful Church for the Christmas Season. It will take place on Sunday, Dec. 22nd, after the 10:30 AM Mass. Any questions or you wish to assist, please contact Sandy Hill at 671-0675.