With the continuing need to observe social distancing and other safety protocols due to the COVID pandemic, just a reminder about our tickets for Masses on Christmas Eve and Day. These tickets will help us to count the number of people who are gathering as well as maintain that necessary distancing and other safety protocols. There are just a few notes regarding the tickets.
Hello to everyone! This is just a friendly reminder that this Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, will be the final Live-stream of the Holy Mass on Facebook. The Mass will be at 9:00 AM that day, with the live-stream beginning at 8:50 AM. Beginning this weekend, November 28-29, the Live-stream of the Mass will continue on our YouTube page. You can also watch the Mass right here on our website. Go to www.svdpcleveland.org/watchMass.
Join the PSR Program students and families as they start donating non-perishable food items for the St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry. The pantry helps the families in need during the year. If you would like to donate, please leave a message for Ms. Virginia Hueter at the rectory. We are truly blessed with all that we have and the ability to help others, even if it's just one item. God Bless!
Around this time of year, and maybe even earlier, we start to hear & see countdowns of how many days remain until the holidays. There are “x” number of days left until Thanksgiving or there are “x” number of days left until Christmas. In “normal” years, there are many preparations that go into getting ready for the holidays & this year is no different, though we know & we’ve heard that this year’s holiday celebrations will take on a different look with the continuing pandemic that we are in.
After further review and testing, and as an effort to increase viewership on each parish's YouTube Channel, we will be transitioning the livestream of the Mass over to YouTube beginning on the weekend of Nov. 28-29, 2020, the First Sunday of Advent. Links will be placed on each parish's website and Facebook site beginning the weekend prior, and each weekend thereafter. Parishioners will also be encouraged to "Subscribe" to the Parish's YouTube Channel, which will send them notifications of when the Parish Mass is LIVE on YouTube.