Sponsored by the SVdP Society of our parish, we will have a Giving Tree for Lent similar to the one at Christmas. Take an ornament or two from the tree and return it with the food items requested by Sunday, March 22nd. Cash envelopes may be placed in the regular collection at Mass. All proceeds go to help the poor in our area this Easter.
It is hard to believe that this Wednesday, Feb. 26th, we begin the season of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday Mass. Masses will be held at 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM, and ashes will be blessed at both Masses.
The Social Committee is again sponsoring the Malley’s Easter Candy Sale. Flyers can be found at the church entrances for anyone interested in purchasing these tasty Easter treats. Orders are due back to the rectory, with your payment, no later than Sunday, March 8, 2020. Pick up will be on Saturday, March 28, 2020 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in the rear parking lot. For more information, you may contact Judy Zalewski at (216) 316-7814. All proceeds benefit the Parish Picnic.
The SVdP "Miracle on 134th Street" Easter Choir will meet on Tuesday, February 25th at 7:00 PM in the church, and will continue to meet for the next 6 Tuesdays until Easter. All are welcome, no auditions.
Those who have completed our usual formation for extraordinary ministry may also attend a Pastoral Care of the Sick for Extraordinary Ministers formation session, offered in cooperation with the Marriage and Family Life Office.
That's right! Food and Fellowship returns on the weekend of February 15-16th for Coffee and Donuts and Fellowship with parishioners. Enjoy a donut, some coffee, and fellowship with your "fellow" parishioners after ALL Masses that weekend. This "Fellowship Weekend" will be sponsored by our Parish's PSR Program.