Blessed Palms will be available OUTSIDE the East Entrance to the Church (Berea Rd side), Rain or Shine, from 12pm to 2pm. We ask that you touch only what you're going to take. Social Distancing (6 feet) will be maintained and a line will be maintained.
Although we can't attend Daily Mass physically, we can be spiritually and virtually. Through the power of technology, Fr. John will be recording Daily Mass from both SVdP Parish and St. Patrick Parish-West Park, rotating between the 2 parishes. Go to our YouTube page here on our website to view.
As of 3:45 PM on March 16, 2020, all liturgies and Masses (including Stations of the Cross) are suspended through Easter Sunday. Please see the article for more info.
The Bishops of Ohio have dispensed with the obligation of attending Sunday mass for the weekends of March 14 and 15th, March 21 and 22nd, and March 28 and 29th. While Masses will still be held as scheduled & we invite you to come & pray. For those who are sick, and for those who are sick, in high risk groups, I will choose to distance himself from social gatherings for the time being the obligation is waived. You can read the letter in the article
Your support strengthens the Church of this region through grants that give pastoral care, affordable shelter, and a cultural and spiritual education to those in need. Your donation will restore the Church and build the future of Central and Eastern Europe. Donations may be placed in the second collection this weekend, March 14 & 15.
The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland shared information with all parishes on March 10 regarding public health concerns in the wake of the coronavirus disease 2019, also known as COVID-19.
Join us for an Evening of Confession at our parish and every parish in the Diocese of Cleveland on Wednesday, March 11, from 5:00-8:00pm. If you know someone who has been estranged from the Catholic Church, please invite them to come home this Lent, and to experience God’s gift of healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As Pope Francis says, “God never tires of forgiving. Never tire of asking.”
Join us, with St. Patrick's W.P., for the first-ever year-long Parish Mission on Sunday, March 8th at 3 PM at St. Patrick's, West Park. Our guest presenter will be Greg Wasinski, a nationally recognized Catholic Inspirational Speaker and a native Clevelander.