Each day, numerous people call or come to the rectory seeking assistance. Through your generosity to our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society, and with the assistance of our dedicated volunteers, we are able to fill some of their needs.
Dear Parish Family, attached to this letter is our annual budget report. This report is meant to help you to see where we have been in the past year, as well as providing you with we hope and forecast ourselves to be in the year ahead. Click the title above to view the letter and report.
I wanted to extend to you an invitation. I wanted to extend to each of you an invitation to consider becoming part of our Parish Pastoral Council. The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners who assist me in the tasks of discerning the vision and goals for our parish, helping to continue to move our parish forward. These parishioners are not meant to be the people who do everything, but are rather meant to serve as a representative voice of our larger parish family, working with me and helping me as I seek to do my best in leading 2 parish families.
Good day, Parish Family! I am happy to announce that we will have a live-stream of the Sunday Mass this Sunday, January 10th at 9 AM. All technical difficulties that occurred just prior to last weekend have been fixed. I thank you for all of your patience and understanding during this time! Take care, and may God bless you and your loved ones.
Due to some technical difficulties, and some broken cables, there will be NO Live-stream of the Sunday Mass on Sunday, January 3, 2021. We are very hopeful to return to live-streaming on Sunday, January 10th. We apologize for any inconvenience.