Two years ago this Sunday, I made what I believe to be my most important staff member hire at both parishes. Many have met her and many have been welcomed and greeted by her when visiting the parish office. Her name is Angel and I guess that you could say that her “official staff title” is Special Assistant to the Pastor.
One of the Catholic vocab words that we are probably very familiar with is the term Holy Days of Obligation. These are days that we are obligated to attend Mass on. The first & primary Holy Day of Obligation is Sunday, but there are also 9 other Holy Days of Obligation throughout the liturgical calendar.
This weekend we welcome our Fr. Kishore for our annual appeal. Next weekend, on Sunday, October 24th, we will be celebrating the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at the 9:00 am Mass. Those who are chronically ill, the elderly, those struggling with serious physical/mental illness, or those preparing for serious surgery are invited to sit at the end of the pews on either side of the aisle (or in the front row) and following the homily at Mass the Priests will come to lay hands and to anoint you with the Oil of the Sick.
Next weekend, we will welcome Fr. Kishore Bathula, who will be joining us for our annual Mission Appeal. Since we will be doing the appeal on the same weekend at both St. Patrick’s & at St. Vincent de Paul, Fr. Kishore will share with us at the beginning of the 4:30 pm Mass @ St. Patrick’s and then during the normal homily time at the 5:00 pm Mass @ St. Vincent de Paul.
One of the great forms of prayer in our Church is intercessory prayer. So many of us have people and causes that we pray for on a regular, sometimes even daily basis. We pray for people who are sick, people who have died, we pray for peace, we pray for the unemployed, just to name a few. There are many ways and forms that we could ask our Lord’s intercession, one of those ways that we are very familiar with is through the offering of Masses.