“Teach us to pray.” (Luke 11:1). Those are the words of the disciples to Jesus in the Gospel of Luke right before he taught them the words of the prayer that we know as the Our Father. Prayer is an essential part of our journey of faith and I’ve heard it described, very aptly so, as our relationship with God.
This weekend is Father’s Day Weekend and so I certainly want to take the opportunity to wish all of our fathers, grandfathers, and father figures a Happy and Blessed Father’s Day. We pray too, for all those fathers who have gone to their eternal reward, all those fathers who have lost children, and all those who long to be fathers but can’t.
As you very likely know our parish will be celebrating our 100th Anniversary next year! 100 years ago, on April 17th, 1922, Bishop Joseph Schrembs announced the establishment of a new parish in West Park, Ohio and he placed the parish under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul. 10 days later, Bishop Schrembs appointed Father Michael J. Flanigan as the first pastor of the new parish.