"Repent & believe in the Gospel.” This Wednesday we’ll be invited to God’s continuous call to conversion and change as we enter into the season of Lent. Our Masses on Ash Wednesday will be celebrated at 8:30 am & 7:00 pm. Join us as we are signed with the sign of the cross, an outward sign of our call and hopefully our desire for an inward conversion more and more towards Christ.
This is somewhat of a shorter column as this past Tuesday (the day bulletin articles are due) I returned from a very restful and relaxing week away. I didn’t really do anything fancy while I was away...no work was done, including writing bulletin columns ahead of time. I just spent some time relaxing, reading (you may remember the homily I gave about my challenge to read 50 books this year...I made some decent progress towards that goal), and just being.
Hello everyone! Included in this article is a letter from Fr. John including some highlighted points of interest. Also included is the Annual Budget report for 2020-2021, and the forecast for 2022.
Have you ever found yourself getting distracted when you pray? For me, the answer to both of those questions is a resounding yes, and I would assume that it’s the same answer for you. Prayer is an essential and necessary part of our lives as Catholics and with that prayer often comes distractions.