If I were to invite us to name a Saint, my guess is that there are a number of Saints that would be named quite frequently. Saints such as St. Francis of Assisi, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Patrick, and St. Vincent de Paul, for example, would probably rank high up there in the number of ,mentions. But, while there are many Saints that are well known and well loved, there are also many “lesser known” Saints. Saints whom we may have never heard of or Saints who, the only thing tat we know about them is their name. With the Church’s wide array of the Communion of Saints, I thought it might be interesting to, once a month in my column, give us a brief introduction to one of those Saints who we might not know as much about.
Happy Easter! As we celebrate this octave day of Easter, we celebrate what has become known in the Church as Divine Mercy Sunday. St. Faustina, who in many ways could be considered a “Missionary of Mercy” wrote, “For there are three ways of performing an act of mercy: the merciful word, by forgiving and comforting; secondly, if you can offer no word, then pray—that too is mercy; and thirdly, deeds of mercy.”
In a very special way we celebrate this Easter, not just the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from the dead, we also mark a very historic celebration in the life of our parish family. On this day, 100 years ago, the story of faith of St. Vincent de Paul parish began. It’s a story that has been told many times, by many people, and in many ways over these past 100 years.
Hi Parish Family! It’s Angel, Fr. John’s companion and, as I like to think about it, his “boss.” My dad’s been a bit busy working with everyone to make sure that everything is ready for this week, so I told him that I would put together a little something for this week’s bulletin to help out.
Next week we begin Holy Week. In Holy Week, we enter into the holiest week of the Church. Our Lenten journey culminates in the events that we celebrate and remember this week, the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord. I invite and encourage all of us to make this week a holy week in both name and action.