We call the Opening Prayer, the Collect. The prayer gains this name because of the purpose that it serves, to collect all of our prayers together into one as we begin the Mass. When the Priest says, “Let us pray,” there is meant to be a moment of silence.
This week, we continue our journey through the Mass by looking at the other options for the Penitential Rite at Mass. In our last column on the Mass, we looked at the first option, the Confiteor. This week, we’ll look at the other options, more commonly known as the Kyrie.
Near the beginning of his Papacy, Pope Francis gave an interview. The first question that he was asked, “Who are you?” To which he replied, “I am a sinner.” The Pope is a sinner, your Pastor is a sinner, we are all sinners. That’s why, as we open the celebration of Mass, we begin by asking God for mercy & forgiveness.
We pause again for our discussion of the Mass in my column this weekend for a “special announcement.” “Are there any who are sick among you? Let them send for the priests of the Church & the Priests of the Church will pray over them.” One of the crosses that we may find ourselves carrying during the course of our lives is the cross of illness, pain, & suffering.