You are cordially invited to "An Advent Organ Concert" featuring our co-music director Mr. Caleb Tate. This concert will feature an afternoon of improvisational Christmas music, and some classical pieces by Bach, Boellmann, and Guittard. This concert will take place at St. Vincent de Paul Church on Sunday, December 17th at 2:30 PM. All are invited!
As we continue journeying through the Mass this week, I wanted to look at 2 gestures that happen during the Liturgy of the Word. One that is done by everyone & the second that is done only by the Priest or Deacon, & both take place during the proclamation of the Gospel. As the Priest or Deacon begins the proclamation of the Gospel, they say, “A reading from the Holy Gospel according to ____.”
This weekend we take a break from our walk through the Mass for two very important reminders. First, this Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. It is my hope & prayer that each of you will be able to spend the day with those who are near & dear to you.