On the Tuesday of Holy Week many of the priests of the Diocese gathered downtown with Bishop Malesic for the Chrism Mass at which all the Holy Oils that we use during the year were blessed & consecrated. Before the Mass, as has been the tradition for many years now, we gathered together with the Bishop for prayer & a meal.
To be a Cleveland sports fan is to, in many ways, be familiar with disappointment, with lost hope. Though moments of great joy & celebration do occur, the story of being a Cleveland sports fan is all too often a story of having hope increased that this might be the one, that this might be the year, only to have that hope dashed before the game or the year’s end.
The great message of God’s mercy is that no matter what our sin may be, no matter how despondent in our gilt we may be, God loves to forgive, He is rich in mercy.
We will be collecting cat and dog food to be donated to City Dogs Cleveland and Kamm’s Cat Guardian’s. If you would like to donate please bring your donation to Mass on April 22 & 23, 2023. There will be a box at each entrance of the church. On behalf of our furry companions, thank you for helping us with our Service Project.
Our Lenten journey of working with the expert, the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, to reshape & renew us has concluded & now we rejoice in the new life & the transformation that we have found! Rather than a time to go back to the way we were before Ash Wednesday, Easter is a time to embrace the empty tomb & walk forward a new creation.