Over the last 2 weeks, we have heard in our gospel of an encounter between Jesus & His disciples. This encounter has centered around the question posed last weekend, “Who do you say that I am?” Last week, Jesus posed the question & this week we see what it really means to say that Jesus is Christ & Lord, it means taking up our cross & following Him.
Another question that we might find ourselves wondering about is how the Priest chooses which Mass to celebrate on a particular day? Are there options or is it a matter of this is what it is?
The word Mass comes from a Latin word, missa. In Latin, the Mass ends, “Ite missa est” which translates to, “Go, it is sent.” And what or who is sent, you might ask? The Church. One of the great Saints of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, in a commentary that he wrote on these words said, “And from the Mass derives its name...the deacon on festival days ‘dismisses’ the people at...
One of the common experiences of our Catholic faith is the celebration of the Mass. As we gather around the altar to celebrate the Eucharist, we see many actions & hear many words & perhaps at times we’ve found ourselves wondering the purpose or the meaning behind them.