1922 - First Masses were offered by Fr. Flanigan for the welfare of the people of the parish. Current church was originally designed as a temporary church, as the original plans referred to it as the auditorium.
1924 - School Building is built as an 8-room building.
1930s & 1940s - Rectory undergoes some internal renovations and some additions were made as well.
1940 - Fr. Flanigan is elevated to the rank of "Domestic Prelate".
1942 - Property of the Lighthouse and Convent is purchased. The Lighthouse was the original home to the Janitor and his family.
1953 - Church building is expanded, and marble altar is installed.
1960 - Monsignor Flanigan celebrates his Golden Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood.
1963 - Fr. William Walsh is appointed the Second Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, upon the death of Msgr. Flanigan.
1968 - Fr. Urban Reichlin is appointed the Third Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish.
1970 - Blue Room is added to the Rectory.
1972 - St. Vincent de Paul Parish celebrates its Golden (50th) Anniversary.
1980s - Adjustments were made in the rear of the Rectory as well as the addition of Offices.
1983 - Fr. Edward Rupp is appointed the Fourth Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish.
1989 - The Main Sanctuary of the Church is remodeled. New Organ is purchased, and new
Stained Glass Windows are installed.
1990s - Living Room, Dining Room, and Blue Room in the Rectory are remodeled. Also,
decisions were made to remodel the Lighthouse so it can be used as a meeting place for the
various parish groups.
1994 - Fr. John Manning is appointed the Fifth Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish.
1999 - The Convent is converted to the DePaul Center. The DePaul Center housed the
Kindergarten Rooms, the Latch Key Program, and Offices for the School's Auxiliary personnel.
2003 - The Nave of the Church is re-painted.
2005 - Several areas of the Chruch are repainted, and Carpeting in the Church is replaced.
2006 - The Church Organ is updated.
2007 - Exterior of the Lighthouse is re-painted, and, after many years of fun, the Sunday Night Bingo program ends.
2009 - The Church roof is replaced. Mr. Thomas McFadden becomes the first lay principal of St. Vincent de Paul School.
2010 - Parish holds a Parish Fun Day Picnic. This was the first Picnic since the Parish Festival in 2006. Ms. Denise King become the principal of St. Vincent de Paul School.
2012 - St. Vincent de Paul Parish celebrates its 90th Anniversary year. In December, it is
announced that St. Vincent de Paul School will close at the end of the school year 2012-2013.
2013 - The School Building is currently in use by the PSR Programs of the Parish, and for
meeting space. In September, St. Vincent de Paul Parish celebrates the end of the 90th
Anniversary Celebration with a special Mass of Thanksgiving. On the weekend before
Christmas, the Church boiler system suffered a "dry-fire", causing both boilers to be destroyed. As a result, the Church had no heat and limited electricity. The temperature in the Church on Christmas morning reached 49°.
2014 - In June, Fr. Bob Clancy celebrated his 40th Anniversary of Ordination with a Mass of Thanksgiving and reception. In July, renovations get underway for a new vestibule with accessible bathrooms and a Bride's Room. Construction was completed in September. Later on, the old boilers that would heat the Church for the last 40 years were removed, to make way for a new, controllable boiler-heating system. Construction was completed by November 1st, which also included the replacement of the water pipe lines that were connected to the boilers. One boiler now controls only the Church, and a second boiler now controls only the School building. In December, it was announced that Fr. Manning has been appointed as a Delegate to the Retired Priests of the Diocese and a full-time teacher at St. Mary Seminary. The appointment is to take effect June 2, 2015.
2015 - On June 2nd, history takes place as we welcome Fr. Ken Wallace as the 6th pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish. His formal Installation would take place on Sunday, November 1st, the Solemnity of All Saints. Since the tenure of Fr. Wallace began, many items have been repaired. added and/or removed. One tree in front of Rectory was dying, so it was removed. Another tree in the SE corner of the Rectory area was removed, to make way for a much-needed air-conditioning system. For an added sense of security, cameras were installed around the rectory.
2017 - The bell system began ringing once again as a new system was installed on Tuesday of Holy Week. The previous system that had rung our bells for the last couple of decades was damaged in the boiler dryfire issue of 2013.
2018 - We began recording our Sunday and Holy Day Masses for the homebound, or people who are otherwise unable to physically join us due to health reasons. In summer, we moved the annual Summer Picnic to the De Paul Center Courtyard. We also lights installed behind the stained glass windows in the Northwest corner of the Church that had been dark for nearly 10 years. In the late fall, demolition began on the old, wheelchair ramp that had been falling apart over the last few years. Construction began immediately on the new, current ramp. The ramp reopened on December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
2019 - In spring, new life begins to form as we see the flowers begin to bloom. At the same time, a new, digital sign was installed and replaced the existed sign that only displayed a Mass Schedule. With this new sign, we can display multiple messages including upcoming events, and eventually, congratulating a Cleveland team championship. The summer began with sadness as Fr. Wallace, who had done a great number of projects to restore SVdP back to its glory, had submitted to the Bishop that, citing health reasons, he wished to become a Senior Parochial Vicar. The bishop accepted it and, on June 9th, celebrated his final Mass as Pastor. Sadness turns into joy as the Reverend John M. Pfeifer is appointed the 7th Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish. Also, he was appointed Pastor of St. Patrick's Parish on Rocky River Drive. Both appointments officially took effect on June 30th. Fr. John was officially installed as the 7th Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish on Sunday, August 11, 2019 by then-Bishop Nelson Perez.
2022 - On April 17th, Easter Sunday, our parish begins its 100th Anniversary celebrations. In September, Bishop Malesic, Bishop of Cleveland, would celebrate an Anniversary Mass followed by a reception.
2023 - After many years of use and memories, the Lighthouse is demolished in March.